Hi, I have a complex board cutout. The outline is rectangular.
The cutout is made of arcs and lines. I think that it is a closed shape. It is drawn on the "board cutout" layer.
When I make a copper pour around the whole board and tell it to , it fills in the area to be cutout. I can't tell if the shape is closed but it looks like it is. Is there anything else I need to do? I have no problem cutting out circles and rectangles in the middle of the board.
Attached is a screenshot of the board. In the upper left is a copper pour "test". It should not fill in the middle which it does. The board outline is the square with rounded corners, it has a section to the right which I did not include but it is a closed board outline. The middle cutout layer that has all the arcs and curves should be cutout and I wanted to copper pour the non-cutout part of the board.
complex board cutout
complex board cutout
- Attachments
- Screenshot from 2024-11-06 21-35-50.png (14.66 KiB) Viewed 1625 times
Re: complex board cutout
Thank you for the report. I confirm that copper pours are poured within board cutout made of arcs and lines. We will investigate the issue. Meantime, can you redo the cutout using different shapes, for example closed polyline or polygon?