Find right pattern for PVG5A potentiometer

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Find right pattern for PVG5A potentiometer

#1 Post by T.Nakamura » 30 Jun 2021, 09:04

Hi, I would like to check 3D model for a component in the standard component library,
In the Component Editor, I found pattern name "PVG5A" when I opened Attached Pattern window.
Then I try to find "PVG5A" in Pattern Editor by searching "PVG5A" from all libraries.
But I can find only "MURATA_PVG5A" instead of "PVG5A" and it looks different from the pattern I see for "PVG5A104C03".
So, I wonder how I can check the 3D model of "PVG5A104C03"?

Thanks in advance for your support.

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Re: Find right pattern for PVG5A potentiometer

#2 Post by Tomg » 30 Jun 2021, 13:48

In DipTrace v4.1.3.0 the component named "PVG5A104C03" has a pattern named "MURATA_PVG5A"...
PVG5A.png (11.81 KiB) Viewed 2642 times
Because the Pattern Editor shows that the pattern named "MURATA_PVG5A" has its 3D model dynamically generated using the "By Component Outline" option it is my assumption that a permanent 3D model file is not available. I could be wrong, of course. Regardless of what DipTrace is doing here, you should still be able to view the 3D model in the Pattern Editor and see that it is just a basic shape with a specified height and color...
3DG.png (15.25 KiB) Viewed 2642 times
If you want a permanent copy of the 3D model to examine in another CAD program I am guessing that you will have to open a new (blank) instance of the PCB Layout editor, place the pattern at the Design Area origin (0,0), open 3D Preview and export the 3D model as a STEP file...
ESF.png (14.11 KiB) Viewed 2642 times

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Re: Find right pattern for PVG5A potentiometer

#3 Post by T.Nakamura » 01 Jul 2021, 00:03

Hi Tom,

Thank you for the information.
I also use TipTrace But it seems something wrong.
See below screen (PVG5A104C03 in ComponentEditor). You can see it's PVG5A and not MURATA_PVG5A.
I'll try to re-install Diptrace and see if it is fixed.
ComponentEditor_screen.jpg (420.21 KiB) Viewed 2638 times

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Joined: 19 Jan 2018, 02:43

Re: Find right pattern for PVG5A potentiometer

#4 Post by T.Nakamura » 01 Jul 2021, 00:54

I'm not sure if it is supposed to be, but anyway I can find a solution now.
In my environment (DipTrace, now I can find two PVG5A104C03 in ComponentEditor.
One is in "Potentiometers" group and the other in "Potentiometers Trimmers SMD" group.
The first one uses "PVG5A" and the second one uses "MURATA_PVG5A".
Since there's only MURATA_PVG5A in PatternEditor, I'll simply choose the second one.

Thank you!

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